Women Rock was started to help create a community for female climbers at the Rock. Women Rock offers a time for women to experience climbing with other women, either for the first time or to continue developing skills and relationships. Women Rock Programming is open to participants of all genders. 

Women Rock Course Types

Mastering the Tower 

Hey Ladies! Bring your friends to the Rock and learn everything you need to know about our 35’ climbing wall. Our staff will teach you how to climb the tower for the first time, what the tape means, and how to properly use the auto belays.

Mastering the Boulder 

Hey Ladies! Bring your friends to the Rock and learn everything you need to know about our boulder. Our staff will be covering how to make it up our bouldering structures if it’s your first time, what the tape on the wall means, and how to properly top out on the boulder.

Climbing Circuit Workout 

Stop by the Rock Wall with the gals and get a workout in! Our staff will be taking participants through a training circuit that will help build up the muscle groups that we use to climb!

Useful Knots to Know 

Knowing how to tie different knots is useful in many different situations. Stop by the Rock Wall with your friends and learn how to tie a variety of knots that might come in handy.

Learning to Belay 

Hey ladies! Stop by the Rock Wall to learn how to belay. Our staff will be walking participants through a one on one belay clinic which will cover the essential skills required to belay in our facility.

Mastering Training Equipment 

Are you trying to take your climbing skill to the next level? Well this is your chance to learn how to properly use our training equipment to get stronger and reach your climbing goals!

Climbing Circuit Workout 

Don't know what to work out today? Stop by the Rock Wall and participate in a training circuit that our staff will be leading in order to strengthen the muscle groups we use to climb!

Open Climb Night 

Its been a long year and everyone needs a night to relax while getting a workout in. So grab the gal’s and come for a climb!